JJP drops new information about The Hobbit, Pat Lawlor and more
Greetings Pinball Fans,
This past week was especially busy and productive for JJP!
We started in Las Vegas at the Nightclub and Bar show. We were invited by our friend and JJP supporter Brad Burdsall, who exhibited at the show introducing his new Habla Diablo Bloody Mary Mix which received an awesome response. We brought a 75th Anniversary Edition WOZ which was virtually played nonstop. Many of the bar owners in attendance commented that they did not know that new pinball machines were still being built. Certainly being at this show with WOZ was worthwhile.
The week continued with the Texas Pinball Festival. Lines of people waited to play WOZ. On Saturday evening Jack and Butch Peel spoke. Click here to listen to their PinChat -
JJP also released the final version code 3.0 - the download is on the JJP Support Site.
Every day, Jersey Jack Pinball continues to build and ship games. More and more games are getting out there and it's great!